Happy Monday! I am actually kind of glad to see Monday here. I had a fabulous weekend but I'm glad for routine that the week days brings!
Lucky for me, I actually had a three day weekend! I took Friday off of work so that I could head to the city to get last minute supplies for our 3rd annual pool party! The rest of the afternoon I prepped all the food and when Ryan got home from work we got the outside ready for all the people!
Saturday morning was spend finishing last minute details before everyone arrived for the party! I have to say that one of the reasons I love having the pool party is that we get all the property cleaned up, looking nice and it stays that way for the rest of the summer.

People started arriving at 2 PM on the dot and continued to roll in for the whole afternoon! It was so awesome to see everyone and to sit back and see how the group has changed so much!

There are so many young kids and it makes me smile watching all the kids and parents have a great time in the pool!

We had lots of activities between Texas horseshoes

Longest drive contest

and yummy food galore! (I love preparing the food list every year, party food is ALWAYS the best)

Thank goodness the weather was so beautiful, the sunshine made the day even better! Ryan and I are so thankful to have such a large group of friends! We love being able to host a party that the whole family can enjoy! Thank you to everyone who was able to join us!
On Sunday morning Ryan got up at 5:30 AM and let me sleep in! He was like a little energizer bunny and cleaned up everything from the night before! Then he made me breakfast in bed, he's a keeper! :-) When I finally rolled out of bed I went outside to admire the chalk artwork from the party. Brought back lots of happy memories from the day before!

Since Ryan had already done all the cleanup we decided to head to Shawville for lunch and ice cream! On the way home Ryan must have been feeling adventurous because he decided to make a pit stop to show me a surprise. First, we stopped in the middle of no where.
Then we climbed over this old set of rickety stairs.

Through a field of wild flowers and then through the woods.
Finally, after a bit of a hike, we finally made it to High Falls.

I had never been here before but it was one of the hang out spots from Ryan's youth! It was a fun little mini adventure.

A little tip, when hiking to High Falls, bring better foot wear!

For the rest of the afternoon we napped, I picked some fresh peonies for my kitchen table and got supper prepared!

We a very important guest (who had been away on a fishing trip for the last week) coming for a father's day BBQ!

I see my dad everyday at work! A day doesn't go by that I don't see or talk to him. So, when he is gone for a week I miss him terribly! On Sunday afternoon Mom and Dad came over for a swim and a relaxing BBQ. It was a perfect end to a wonderful weekend!
How was your weekend?
You can bring that slide to my pool! All we have is a diving board but I'd love a slide! :)