Monday, June 18, 2012

Father’s Day Weekend


Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had as wonderful of a weekend as I did. Even though mine passed by in a blink, it was such a fun filled time!

Basically, Ryan and I spend our weekend with this guy….

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Caleb. Ryan’s nephew!

Caleb had celebrated his 13th birthday that week before so Ryan and I knew we wanted to have him over for the weekend to celebrate his big birthday!

Friday afternoon started out with another special birthday here in the office for Claire! It involved a special lunch and yummy blizzard cake!

Friday Lunch

Friday evening we headed into town for a Q & A meeting for the building of the new town hall. It is so exciting to know that in the near future we are going to have a new building! All the committee members should be busting with pride. I know I am extremely proud of them all for them for all of their hard work.

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A big donation was also made on Friday night.

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Saturday morning as Caleb and Ryan went on the truck to make deliveries for work I headed across the ferry to Kinburn Berries.

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I was on a mission to get my annual strawberries picked! In record time I had my three baskets picked and heading back home!


After a quick stop in at my Mom and Dad’s I headed home and Ryan headed to get his hair cut. Caleb swam for about an hour while I got some sun and reading in!

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After Ryan got home we loaded up the car to head to the city to start the birthday celebrations. First stop, Carlingwood mall so that he could pick out his own birthday gift!

Then we headed to Lonestar for supper. The biggest reason for going here was so that Caleb could wear the big birthday cowboy hat! He was pretty embarrassed when all the wait staff sang to him! haha


After supper we headed to the movie theatre to watch a movie of Caleb’s choice. His choice…


The Avengers

Such a boy movie (which Ryan was excited about) and I have to admit it was pretty good.

Heading home, we weren’t even on the road for 5 minutes when we heard little snores coming from the backseat. Ryan and I were proud that we could tucker out this 13 year old!

Saturday morning I got up before the boys to start on hulling my strawberries and making the jam.

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That afternoon, it was time to start the Fathers day celebrations. It involved a Fathers day scavenger’s hunt (made by Caleb), pool, beer and BBQ supper.

Fathers day 3

Of course a special Father’s day dessert too!

Fathers Day 2

For a very special Daddy! :-)

Fathers Day

It really was the perfect weekend! Ryan and I were pretty tired keeping up with Caleb but we had such a blast spending time with him. Then we got to have some quality time relaxing by the pool all afternoon celebrating such a wonderful man!

How was your weekend?



  1. Thanks for having Caleb this weekend . He had a great time. Oh Yeah he was embarrassed big time he said. LOL Love you & Ry .xox

  2. I love blizzard cakes & is that a solar cover for your pool? btw I'll trade you my diving board for your slide :)
