Currently 20 weeks and 5 days pregnant.
And just for fun....a comparison. 19 weeks with Sam. 3rd pregnancies are no joke! ha ha!
19 weeks! Almost half way...weh!
Baby This Week:
Baby is the size of a game boy (?) right now. But I think there may be a growth spurt or something this week because I have been HUNGRY and tired!
Maternity Clothes:
This hot weather has been a killer! My maternity work clothes are long sleeved so while I am OK when sitting in the office, it is BOILING when I step outside! Plus I have no shorts or t-shirts that fit me. So I've been trying to get away with Yoga pants and one of Ryan's t-shirts. I really want some cooler weather again so I can use my maternity jeans and leggings with sweaters.
Stretch Marks/Weight:
At my doctors appointment this week I was actually down a few pounds. This is likely due to my new gallbladder diet.
As the belly moves upward and is getting bigger, my old stretch marks are turning more purple then the skin color they were. It's funny, last pregnancy I was lathering on the cream to "help" but this time I only put it on after a shower or when I'm itchy. It's just inevitable that I'm gonna have stretchmarks so I'm not going to waste time or money on products to prevent it.
SO much movement again this week. On the weekend I could feel maybe a leg above my belly button. If I lay still with my hand on my belly I can sometimes feel it from the outside but it's too sporadic for Ryan and Sam.
Food Aversions/Cravings:
This week has all been about the new Gallbladder diet plan. It's not too bad yet. Basically, no greasy or fatty foods. Lots of fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and lots of water. While this won't make the stones go away, hopefully it will keep attacks at bay.
I am craving a BIG cinnamon bun dripping in cream cheese icing. Any fat free recipes you can share? ha ha!
Very hungry and tired this week. I woke up for the first time at midnight STARVING one night. I was too tired to get up to get something to eat however. I have been fighting a cold this week too which adds to the tiredness I'm sure. Also OVERHEATING with this heat wave. Props to you Momma's who are pregnant all summer long, it sucks.
What I Miss:
Cold medicine. I would usually not take anything in the daytime but I loved taking nighttime NyQuil for a good nights sleep! Boo!
Labor Signs/Health Update:
No Gallstone attacks this week which is great but also not expected as it was two weeks between my other two. Went for an ultrasound this week and doctors appointment. It was the anatomy scan which meant a nice and long look at baby! Everything is looking good and on track. Since they measure the baby via ultrasound every 2 weeks, they never do a belly measurement on me or use a doppler (as we see the heart beating). At the beginning of this pregnancy they gave me the option of a precautionary cerclage. Basically a "stitch" to keep everything closed. They didn't say it was necessary but that it was an option. The measured my cervix every appointment with no change but did give us (Ryan was there too) one last chance at a cerclage if it made us feel more comfortable as 19 weeks is the cut off as to the latest you can get one. We asked their medical opinions, talked pro's and cons and finally decided to decline. Pretty final. Now we pray and have faith that all will be good until the 24 week mark.
SO hard to stay team green this week during our ultrasound but we stayed firm in our decision. The general has actually been very helpful and courteous with this. Going above and beyond to make sure we don't know.
Wedding Rings/Belly Button
No changes! Although with the heat I feel like my "work" wedding ring is getting tighter as it is half a size smaller then my good rings.
What I'm Looking Forward To/Best Moment:
Ultrasound day! Getting my new Mom-mobile! I am now an official Minivan Momma! Bring on the sliding doors! Exciting week!
Daddy This Week:
Ryan was able to come with me to this last appointment which was awesome. It was a big ultrasound but with it being our busy season, it's harder for him to get away too. I actually like when Ryan comes for the ultrasounds. He is good all the time but after re-affirming and seeing the kid in my belly, for the next week or so he goes ABOVE and beyond his catering to me. ha ha!
Big Brother Sam:
Sam has been going through a weird stage the last 2 weeks or so. He requests me for EVERYTHING and wants nothing to do with Ryan. I don't know if he is trying to get as much Mommy time in when he can or something.
Basements are cool. As in cold. Sleep in the basement when the temperature feels like 40 degrees outside.