Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Little Buddy

Three years ago today my little buddy was born. Ever since he has been a great companion and friend. Read all about him in this post.

When Ryan and I started dating Tucker was already a part of my life so Ryan had to get on his good side. Now they're the best of buddies and even if Ryan doesn't like to admit it I know he loves him.

For those of you wondering, "Beans" is a term on endearment that I tend to use instead of peanut, sweetie, etc. When I first adopted Tucker I set up his first veterinarians appointment. I had already started calling him by his nickname and when the vet asked me his name I said Tucker. Then she asked me his last name and in a moment of confusion I said Beans. Ever since then he has been my Tucker Beans!

Happy 3rd Birthday Tucker Beans!
Love you!!


  1. Happy Birthday Tucker Beans...haha - never knew his "last name" was Beans...suits him though!

  2. He's soooo cute! He's the first dog that I've liked as soon as I've set my eyes on him!

  3. I've always thought it was kinda cool that Tucker and I sorta have the same "last name"...Jilly Bean...Tucker Beans...haha...Happy birthday to the little runt!!!!

  4. ha ha Thanks Guys it was a great birthday! I got him these dentabones and he loved them....And yes Jill you guys do have the same last name...ha ha
