Monday, July 25, 2016

I Love These Days With You

Happy Monday everyone! I think I have figured out my perfect weekend combination. It's really pretty simple. All I need to have an amazing weekend is unlimited time with my boys. We create our own fun and spending each weekend day with them is amazing. I feel like when I am with them all weekend I can catch up with all we have missed together during the busy week days. We had a little bit going on but for all of it, we were together. 

The weekend started out with a quiet Friday. I mentioned my cold last week but guess what...I STILL have it. Ugh! But I got some rest on the weekend in hopes it goes away soon. So Friday was a quiet night. Ryan made him and Sam some Pogo's and I headed to the Bristol Farmers Market to stock up on some fresh veggies. We had a quick visit with my parents  (during the start of a thunder storm that Sam was not a fan of), we headed home and into bed. 

Saturday was going to be a busy day but it didn't start out so great for me. I woke up with one of the worse migraines I have had in years. I was up at my normal early time but I just couldn't function so laid on the couch and napped in the dark. When the boys got up I couldn't stomach breakfast but the boys enjoyed something to eat and then we all went out to play. The sun majorly hurt my head but we continued playing. 

A miracle happened, Ryan washed my car!! This NEVER happens! 

We decided because Sam was going to have a napless afternoon, we would try to put him down for an hour in the late morning. We must have really played him out because he went down without any problems. 

When he woke up it was time to head to the Quyon Tractor and Truck pull. This use to be an event staple in everyone's summer but there hasn't been one in over 20 years. Ryan and I have been SO looking forward to it's renewal. We were excited to bring Sam and hoped that he would enjoy it as well. 

It was a great turn out! And while we knew there were a lot of people, it's such a great big space that it didn't feel like you were over crowded. 

Sam was not one bit scared of the loud trucks and was instead fascinated by all the equipment and trucks! He was so good and I have not seen him sit for that long! Ha ha! 

We are really looking forward to next year! 

We ducked out early and headed to Cobden to enjoy a visit with some of Ryan's family who were camping there. It was so nice to see them all. Sam was way more interested in the awesome park that was at the campground than visiting but we managed to get a few good shots of some of the cousins! 

We decided to grab a quick supper on the way home and Sam had his first taste of Subway. He devoured his sub in record time! I couldn't believe it! I think we have a new favorite fast food place.

We all zonked out after such a busy Saturday! 

Sunday morning I was feeling much better compared to the morning before and got up and had my regular weekend routine of coffee, paper and relaxing. It was glorious and felt ready to tackle the day. The boys slept in which was nice for them and then we all had breakfast and played.

I ended up joining my parents at church that morning and then we all had brunch afterwards at their place. Sam loves playing at his Nana and Grandpa. Grandpa took Sam for a little walk and came back with bouquets of wild flowers for Nana and me. It melted my heart when Sam handed them over to me. 

We all took an afternoon nap and I got stuff prepped for the week ahead. Homemade bread for lunches, cookies and even made a little freezer meal for when my brother and SIL have baby number 4! 

We had a yummy pork tenderloin supper (recipe for marinade to come!) and went for ice cream! Sam went down and Ryan and I worked on our Giant Pumpkin! We have 2 pumpkins growing and hope they will be big enough in time for the fair! 

How was your weekend? 



  1. Sounds like a great weekend, minus the migraine!

  2. Sounds delightful, glad you got over the migraine, but you still sounded as if you had a cole at church! It was good to see you.
