Tuesday, April 24, 2012

3 Weeks To Wedding Weekend


*** Couldn’t post this yesterday due to our internet being down! Friggin’ boonies! ha ha! ** 

Happy Monday everyone! I REALLY need the weekends to slow down! They are whizzing by at lightening speed! For a long time, early in the wedding planning process, I was SO looking forward to April because even though I wasn’t getting married in April, it was packed will of fun, wedding related activities.

April 6/7 – Easter

April 13/14 – Stag

April 20/21 – Shower

April 27/28 – Bachelorette

It really is a good thing that the weekends approaching the wedding are busy. The busy weekends allows me to forget about the planning process for a moment and enjoy the certain party that is happening!

Friday started out by relaxing a bit after work and then heading to Shawville in the evening to take Tucker to the Vet’s for his regular shots. During his regular routine checkout the Vet found a lot of rotten teeth, normal for his breed. She immediately scheduled an appointment for him to have dental surgery to remove all rotting teeth. Poor little buddy.

To cheer me up after the appointment Ryan stopped and got me ice cream! That man knows me so well!

ice cream

Saturday morning I could not sleep! I was so excited to get up and get ready for my shower across the Ottawa River which was hosted by my wonderful cousin Sheila!

It is over an hour’s drive and can be hard at times to see that side of the family. I had a great time just seeing and visiting with everyone!

The food…What is it about shower food that is so unbelievably amazing? Nacho dip, cheese dip, spinach dip, sandwiches, cheese/pickles/olives, veggies, fruit and cup cakes! Yum!

After my bite to eat I open all of my beautiful gifts! I am so spoiled! Every gift was so wonderful! You don’t realize it till you are in the bride position but you really do day dream about each item as you open it! I caught myself saying/thinking about the item and how/when I will be using in our future.

It was a great shower and I am so lucky to have such a great support group of people who are there for Ryan and I! Thank you Sheila and everyone else for such an amazing shower!

Sunday morning Ryan and I headed to church! It was Earth Day and the service revolved around that. We even received some  special planters with seeds from the Sunday school kids!

ice cream 1

Ryan and I both agreed coming out of church that the service made us both excited to start our vegetable garden!! We love growing our own food and Ryan loves watching his giant pumpkin throughout the summer! We added “seed” to our city trip list.

After church we went to breakfast with Mom and Dad. It’s so nice having Sunday to visit with them outside of work!

Ryan and I immediately headed to the car after breakfast and started our drive to the city. When we got engaged we got a dinner gift certificate for a restaurant in Ottawa called Mama Theresa’s. We decided to use the gift certificate and spend the afternoon before supper getting wedding errands done!

I am VERY happy to report that we got ALL of our candy buffet candy! But not only that, it was SO much fun getting it! All the funny looks we were getting was priceless!

ice cream 2

Supper was AMAZING. Mama Theresa’s = HIGHLY recommended!

It was a busy yet super fun weekend.

How about your weekend?



  1. Wow hard to believe it's coming so soon! I remember finding your blog a year or so ago and it being so far out. Crazy! Ha I can only imagine the looks people were giving you walking through the store with all that candy!!

  2. Now you have me wanting ice cream!

  3. I showed Katelyn the picture with all the candy and her eyes lit up and she said "are they having that at the wedding" and the next question can I have some?????
