Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Resolutions 2015

Happy Wednesday! I know that this is a little delayed being that it is already the middle of January but while on vacation, I really thought about some things that I wanted to accomplish throughout the year.
52 Week Challenge-
Have you heard about the 52 week money saving challenge? It EXPLODED on the internet last year. Basically, you save a certain amount of money every week depending on the week that you are in. It slowly grows as the year continues. At the end of the year you will have saved about $1,400.
Who wouldn’t love to have that money at the end of the year to spend on whatever you want!
I started doing some research before starting the challenge, to figure out if it was the right thing for me to do. I scrolled through some blogs and saw multiple ones suggest doing the challenge backwards. So, you start with the most amount of money first and end up only having to put a tiny amount of money away around Christmas time! There will be also the instant gratification of a large amount of money right at the beginning. I’m excited to complete this challenge and even more excited for figuring out what I will do with the money at the end of the year!

Buy Less-
I wouldn’t say that I have a shopping problem but I do have way more clothes then I actually need. But styles change so fast and when I am out, and something isn’t too expensive, I sometimes buy myself something new. The reality is that my closest is busting with clothes already and I don’t need that much!
So, my resolution for this year is to buy as little amount of stuff as possible. It has to be a NEED before I go and purchase something. Or it has to be something that could be used with my current wardrobe or enhance it. It doesn’t matter if the inexpensive price is too good to pass up, if I don’t need it, it won’t be in my closet.
 Eat Healthier-
Who doesn’t add this to their New Years resolution list? But it’s something that I am becoming passionate about. I’ll be honest, my husband eats like crap. There are hardly any (like maybe 2-3 fairly healthy things) that are good for him that he will eat. It makes grocery shopping and making supper difficult. When it was just him and I, it didn’t matter as much. In truth, I know I’m not going to improve what Ryan eats. But I want to improve the way that I eat at least so that it’s a good influence for Sam. There will be treats and special occasions but for the most part I want Sam to see me eating healthy food in hopes that he will follow suit.

My list isn’t too large and I tried to keep it very simple. I’m excited to see what will unfold in 2015. Besides the 3 above goals, I want 2015 to be about being present. Unplugging and enjoying the moment more often and being together as a family.
What are some of the goals that you have for 2015?


  1. that actually makes sense doing the challenge backwards...we have been trying to eat better too - and lacking our pop intake, drinking more water. When the weather is nice, start walking more and most importantly, i want to work on my patience, or lack of!

  2. I got a fitness tracker to make me more aware of reaching my daily exercise goal. I already eat very healthily, and Reg eats what I make, but his snacks are atrocious.
