Friday, April 13, 2012

Feeling Pretty Random


Happy Friday everyone! I am particularly happy to see the end of this week come. Work is nuts. Like uber crazy! Between work and wedding stuff my mind is in a constant state of spinning. You know those pictures of people with objects spinning above their head? That’s me!

spining head

Regardless, I am SO pumped and excited (and between you and me a little lot nervous) for this weekend! This weekend is mine and Ryan’s stag!

I have to be honest. Being at the “bride” end of this process has been hard. I’ve come to realize that I’m not one who loves to be the centre of attention. I MUCH prefer being the organizing type. Helping with preparations, food and etc. When I tell Jilly this she just keeps telling me “too bad”! Ha ha So I can’t change it and I’m working really hard on getting over my control freak ways.

Have I mentioned before that I LOVE my phone? I mean LOOOOOVE it! I was so hesitant when switching from my blackberry to iPhone. For someone who uses their phone ALOT, especially for work, it was terrifying. My phone was my customer contact source, my researcher, my reminder and my math whiz.

I am SOO happy that I made the switch. Iphone is really the way to go! It is way more efficient and user friendly! I even “girlified” my phone by getting myself a fancy case!

iphone case

Speaking of iphone, the best part? The Apps!! One of my new favorites? Couch to 5K app!

couch to 5k

It’s a set program that you follow for 9 weeks and by the end you are able to run 5K. The first day was hard but it has gotten easier and easier as the days go on. The best part? While they are giving you run/walk instructions the background music is your own right from itunes! It’s awsome!

The app is so encouraging that I am actually thinking about signing up for….a 10K in the fall! I’ll let you know how that goes! :-)

This weekend I have a very short but important things to do:

1. Get my hair did!


3. MUST have Mae’s!

It’s that time of year again when our love and cherished McCann’s chips is open again for the season. I have been craving a chicken finger platter for months now! Come hell or high water I am getting some Mae’s!

What’s the plan for your weekend?

Happy Friday!



  1. Can't wait for tomorrow night! Party time, and sandwiches! haha

    mmmmm Mae's, had a poutine last week. Craving a chicken burger...

  2. Haha Sarah - sandwiches...well im making the eggs ones!!! LOL

    This weekend the only thing on my agenda is of course the stag...I still have to figure out what to I am getting my haircut and I am not going to wash it so its nice and still new by tomorrow night!

    Another big thing about this weekend, my loving children (including the cranky, gassy, night hawk 7 week old) is spending the night at their aunts house so I get undisturbed sleep and get to sleep in (or try anyways)...on that note, I am sorry to say, I may not make it to the sandwiches at the stag cuz this cookie MAY want all the sleep I can get...haha just kidding, CANNOT miss the lunch!

  3. I'm headed to Texas to pick up my mare. we got a call last weekend that she's bred and they heard the babies heart beat!

  4. I'm excited for your stag too! It's gonna be fun! I completely and 100% agree with you on the organizing part of things. I have come to a hrash reality that I really don't like the "surprise" part of things! Everyone is keeping secrets from me for showers and whatnot and I don't like it -I WANT to help with everything! (this is why I went ahead last night and made our Stag and Doe event on Facebook lol) Can't wait to see you tomorrow! xox
